RADPRIDE is back!
August 10th at 9pm
Papineau Metro
Queers of conscience, join us in this evening demonstration: a pride without capitalists, without the military and without complicity with the police.
Make this night what you want it to be!
Last year, the village was shaken by a swarm of militant queers who seized Sainte-Catherine for an evening of festive combativity! This year, let's make August 10, 2024 a night to remember!
While Fierté Montréal's complicity in the genocide in Palestine is under the microscope, while the institutions of the gay bourgeoisie do nothing to protect us from the fascist wave that wants to eliminate our trans siblings, while the police continue to violate our homeless and SWs siblings, while the housing crisis affects us disproportionately, etc. etc. etc. It's about time we remember what we're supposed to be celebrating fucking day! 💥
We haven't forgotten Stonewall and the Sex Garage! We haven't forgotten the last year of violence we've had shoved in our faces. We haven't forgotten September 20 and October 21, 2023, we haven't forgotten the Comité des Sages and Poilièvre's transphobic government projects. We're not forgetting Nex Benedict, Pauly Likens, and all the murdered trans youth, we're not forgetting our adelphs under the bombs in Gaza.
We've always been on the side of the resistance, and we're not about to change. Fuck bank floats. Fuck cops. Fuck zios. Fuck the $60 parties that fund the shameless capitalists.
Our pride is revolutionary.
Queerness is resistance! ✊
Radpride 2024 posters :
Print them and put them everywhere!