Cercle d'écriture, les mardis à partir du 6 février, 18h à 20h. Participe à notre projet de cercle d'écriture qui mènera à la création d'un journal en opposition au comité des sages! Initiative en mixité choisie queer Espace les Révoltes (2035 rue St-Laurent) situé au 2e étage (non accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite)

The Pink Bloc is brewing the idea of a journal project on the campaign against the Comité des sages! In order to make this project collective and accessible to everyone in the queer community, we invite you to participate in a writing circle with and by queer folks to create the texts for this first edition! While the "comité de sages," without trans people, wants to delve into "gender identity issues," we want to collectively build our liberation outside of the government. We can mobilize collectively to share our knowledge and experiences, and take back control of queer discourses, which should not be reserved for academics or transphobic and queerphobic "wise" individuals.

The meetings will take place on tuesday evenings at the Révoltes space. You are not obligated to attend all meetings, and you can also send us your text by email without participating in the writing circle.

During the writing sessions, we will offer various tools and activities to facilitate the writing process. We will encourage sharing of texts to receive constructive feedback, while respecting individual needs. All text formats will be considered, and illustrations are welcome. Our goal is to build our confidence in writing about our realities and our quest for liberation, without limiting ourselves to academic texts.

All levels of ability are welcome, and we will put in place as many elements as possible to accommodate various needs. Feel free to write to us to discuss your accommodation needs! Wearing a mask is strongly recommended, but we remain aware of the sensitivity issues for some.

The texts will represent anticapitalist, revolutionary, queer, anticolonialist ideas, but differences of opinions are welcome, with the guiding principle being rejection of the Committee of Sages. Themes may include queer pedagogy, queer and trans liberation outside of state institutions, a history of queer movements, and much more!

Tuesdays, starting February 6th, 6-8pm

This is an event for queer people only

Espace Les Révoltes (2035 rue St-Laurent)

The space is on the second floor, and is unfortunately not wheelchair-accessible