Recently, a trans comrade close to the P!nk Bloc has been the victim of an attempt on his life, possibly tied to doxing he endured in the past. His community of birth has been for many years an unsafe environment for him, both as a trans person and as a long time activist. As a low income disabled person, he has no financial security that allows him to take the time required to look for work. His personal safety has become so jeopardized that he has chosen to move to Montreal nonetheless. The only place out of his town where he has a community. Finding a job in his situation is complicated, especially since he is a monolingual anglophone. Waiting longer before leaving his old community is becoming less and less of an option. We are trying to create a fund to allow him to move to Montreal and get settled here safely while looking for employment. All the money raised here would go to groceries, rent, and other necessities so he can rebuild a life here without being at risk of homelessness or further trauma.

If you have the means to give to help our comrade in need we are collectively thanking you, and if you can’t but are willing to help share this fundraiser we are also thankful.

As queer revolutionaries, we believe in radical solidarity and camaraderie and will try to help him as we can behind the scenes too.

We don’t want to spread out our comrade’s suffering to make sympathy porn, but if you feel you need more information to see if you want to help, here is additional information coming directly from him.

« I was doxxed by some Jordan Peterson fanboys for speaking at an anti-peterson rally in 2017. This led to the far right from England sending me some threats over facebook.

In fall of 2022 a guy tried to hit me with his car and another guy tried to punch me while on the bus, but I got mean and crazy and scarred him off. He also used a lot of SA threats.

Last weekend, another guy tried to hit me with his car when I was on my bike. Right before this happened, I was again receiving friend requests from men from England whom I have no prior connection with.

I used to run my community’s only trans support group and facilitate a support group for queer and trans teens. I have helped dozens of kids transition, and a new report that just came out has stated the far right is deliberately targeting people with my background.

Back in 2013 I also cyberbullied the men’s rights activist chapter back underground, but I was dumb and used my Facebook account for this, so that might also be a factor. ».

Note : Remember that you don’t have to (and probably shouldn’t) tip GoFundMe when it asks you to